Heroes of the Multiverse: Season 1


Heroes of the Multiverse: Season 1


Rock out to these heroic theme songs for all the heroes from the core game and Season 1 of Sentinels of the Multiverse

  1. Legacy

  2. The Wraith (feat. Colin MacKay)

  3. Tachyon

  4. Bunker

  5. Absolute Zero

  6. Unity

  7. Mister Fixer

  8. Expatriette (feat. Blythe Renay)

  9. NightMist

  10. The Argent Adept

  11. Captain Cosmic (feat. Trevor Casterline)

  12. Haka (feat. Gregory Orosz)

  13. Fanatic

  14. Tempest (feat. Gregory Orosz)

  15. The Visionary

  16. Chrono-Ranger

  17. Sky-Scraper

  18. Ra

  19. Omnitron-X

  20. The Scholar

  21. Guise (feat. Joe Zieja. Wait what? You’ve got to be Joe KING that someone else is pretending to be me!?)

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